How we work

Join a day in the life of our team.

Our day begins, not with
coffee, but with...

6:00 PM

Evening Brainstorm

We wrap up the day with a final brainstorming session, sharing insights and planning for tomorrow's success.

6:30 PM

Campaign Check-In

We ensure everything is running smoothly with our campaigns, providing round-the-clock support for our customers.

6:30 AM

Rise and Shine

Our experts start the day by catching up on the latest crypto news, events, and market changes, ensuring we're always ahead.

7:30 AM

Data Dive

We analyse data, check our customers' performance, gather insights, and prepare detailed reports.

8:30 AM

Brainstorming Brilliance

It's time for brainstorming sessions, meetings, and discussions about opportunities, achievements, and optimizations for our valued clients.

At most companies, the workday ends at 7:00 PM. But for our team, the pursuit
of excellence never stops. We're always searching for new opportunities, networking across
time zones, and delivering the best results for our clients.

Ready to experience
the difference
with Enlight?